The Cleveland model show was a great show! The model quality was excellent. Can't wait until next year. For me, this was the last show of this calendar year. Next up will be Hamilton in March of 2020.

Please remember that we will be collecting toys (hopefully for older children) for the Marine Corps Toys for Tots program at the December meeting. The club has always supplied a large quantity of toys to this event. I hope that continues, and a big thanks to Tom Brown Sr. for coordinating this again!

Our board meeting for this month was cancelled because of the interesting weather last Monday, but we will hold a brief meeting after the general meeting this month.

I hope to see you at the general meeting, and keep building!

Rich Bernecki
IPMS Niagara Frontier
IPMS USA No. 11470

IPMS Niagara Frontier Meeting Agenda - November 18, 2019

7:00 PM to 7:10 PM - Place models on tables with description forms - members trading kits.

7:10 PM - Meeting called to order.

Old Business:

  • Approve minutes of last meeting.

New Business:

Questions from the floor.

Table discussion: Members tell the club about the models they have on the tables.

Break: 10 minutes.

Presentation: presentation by Maryann Germann on the Sword & Brush show she attended in Ontario, Canada.

Call for adjournment.

We would like to encourage all club members to join the national IPMS. Help support your hobby on a national level. IPMS provides the insurance that allows us to have our events, and membership includes a nice monthly magazine. The website can be found at: IPMS, and an application form can be found HERE.

Here is the schedule of presentations for upcoming general club meetings:

  • November - presentation by Maryann Germann on the Sword & Brush show she attended in Ontario, Canada
  • December - annual holiday pizza party and Toys for Tots collection

The November 2019 newsletter of the IPMS Patriot chapter is available HERE.

Any member who needs a club name tag should see Paul Hines at the meeting. We will be ordering name tags in the near future.

The minutes from the October 2019 general meeting are included below. Thanks to our Secretary, Al Germann, for the meeting minutes.

October 21st - President Rich Bernecki led the meeting.

  • Rich brought up the previous meeting's minutes and there was a motion to approve them. There was a second to the motion and the minutes were open for discussion. There were no questions or comments and the general membership voted to approve them.
  • Old Business:
    • Rich announced that the replacement for E-Board member Tom Brown Jr. will be Dan Price until the next elections in May 2020. Dan has extensive knowledge of Gundam and Gunpa modeling and recently helped with establishing the categories for BuffCon.
    • E-board meeting locations continue to rotate with details in the monthly newsletter. These meetings are open to members and invited guests.
  • New Business:
    • We recently received a notice that the cost of the Knight's Hall will be increasing by $300 annually starting in 2020. This increase applies to our monthly meetings but not the rental cost of BuffCon. The E-board started a committee to investigate an alternative location as an option for 2021 and beyond.
    • Our club has 74 paid members and will be discontinuing emailing the monthly newsletter to former and unpaid members. Having the monthly newsletter emailed is a benefit of membership.
    • Rich talked through the schedule for the demonstrations during the general meetings. This includes a presentation from Maryann Germann for November on a model figure and painting show in Ontario and a swap meet sale at our December meeting in addition to the Toys for Tots drive and the pizza party at that meeting. Members were encouraged to bring in kits and supplies for sale.
    • Rich included that there will not be a club holiday gift exchange this year.
  • The floor was opened to the members.
    • The club shirts continued to be distributed. Tom Faith stated that additional ones can still be ordered.
    • The latest revision of the BuffCon flyer is ready to distribute at the upcoming show in Syracuse. A special thanks to Frank Blonski and Dick Schulenberg for all their work with this.
    • A list of upcoming shows include Ontario Canada and in Cleveland.
    • Mike Patskin pointed out that the retail store Ollie's Outlet has a large supply of toys that are suitable for the Toys for Tots Christmas program.
  • Members' models on the tables were presented via "passing the mic".
  • This month had the "round table" discussion and showed very good participation.

To promote greater transparency regarding the operation of the club and the EBoard, action items from the previous month's EBoard meeting will be published in the newsletter. These will not be detailed minutes of the meetings, but highlights that the general membership should be aware of.

The November EBoard meeting was cancelled due to weather issues.

Member Name: Jason Ignatjew

What kind of modeling? What scale?
1/24 & 1/25 scale automotive.

How did you hear about the club? Why did you join?
Through a friend. Joined way back in 1987 until 1992, then 2010 to present.

How long have you been a member?
Since 1987.

Do you have a large stash of kits? If so, how many?

Are you a National IPMS member? If no, why not? If yes, why?
No. Not really thought about it.

What do you enjoy the most about the club meetings?
Showing my builds and hanging with friends.

What would you like to see changed about the meetings?
People bring more of their builds. More swap meet style.

Do you have other hobbies?
Collect vintage matchbox and hotwheels.

Anything else?

Member Name: Bob Raithel

What kind of modeling? What scale?
Figures, aircraft, armor, sci/fi - paleo.

How did you hear about the club? Why did you join?
Joined with my father.

How long have you been a member?
35 years.

Do you have a large stash of kits? If so, how many?
Yes, hundreds.

Are you a National IPMS member? If no, why not? If yes, why?
No. Not interested.

What do you enjoy the most about the club meetings?
Camaraderie and seeing completed and in progress models.

What would you like to see changed about the meetings?

Do you have other hobbies and what are they?
Semi-professional guitarist. 3D modeling and graphics. Pen and ink art and woodturning.

Anything else?

Model tables from the October meeting:

Eugene Paveljack displayed his Bronco 1/35 OQF 40mm Bofars Anti-Aircraft Gun (British version) work-in-progress. He said the instructions were not the best, and the kit had a lot of very small parts and required a lot of dry-fitting. Eugene bought the kit in a collection box, and he said it should look great when done, with a lot of details.

Al Germann showed us his progress on his diorama of a scene from the TV show "Most Dangerous Roads", including a JB Model 1/76 Bedford truck. Al said he used a variety of paints, and a wash for weathering with more to come. He mentioned that he had to reshape the figure to look like Lisa Kelly, and used a rubber mold for the plaster road wall, which is in reality 133 ft. tall. Al said he's having fun and it's turning out well.

Al also had an update on his Revell 1/25 1956 Ford Foose Pickup, which looks to be almost done. He used Tamiya spray can gunmetal paint and sprayed the chrome wheels with smoke tint. Al said he built it out-of-box, with added spark plug wires, painted wood bed using artist oils, added turn signals, and added bracing under the hood. The kit was a gift from his son, and he's pleased with the results.

Maryann Germann showed us her progress on her Airfix 1/12 Anne Boleyn figure. She's using Tamiya paints with airbrushing and brushed gold, and finds the subject interesting.

Jeff Keenan had a 1/700 Hasegawa IJN Haruna ship on display. He used Mission Models, Tamiya and Vallejo paints for finishing, and had to use stretched sprue to repair many broken gun barrels. Jeff said the kit looked interesting, especially the "pagoda" style tower, and it was his first ship and first try at water effects.

Tim Grieve brought in three models for us to see. The first was an Academy 1/72 A-37B Dragonfly, 8th SOS, 14th SOW, Bien Hoa AB, Vietnam 1970. Model Master and Humbrol paints were used in the finishing process, along with a Model Master-based black wash on the rocket cannisters. Tim said he picked the subject because it was the COIN Fighter winner over the YAT-28E and the Piper PA-48 Enforcer (Turbo P-51).

Tim's second model was a Lindberg 1/600 USS Manchester, finished with Model Master and Model Colors paints. He picked the subject because the kit was on sale, and it was something different - he likes the challenge.

Tim's last model was an Academy 1/72 Hawker Typhoon Mk.1B. This model was also painted with various Model Master colors, with some exhaust stains added for weathering. Tim said it was an easy build for a weekend, and an interesting-looking aircraft.

Larry Osolkowski showed us his progress on the Classic Racing Resins 1/25 2019 Penske Dallara Indycar that won this year's Indy 500. He started cleaning up the white metal suspension components, which were pretty rough, and drilled out the body to fit them. He also started reworking the wheels by scratch-building a new center nut and casting duplicates that will fit into drilled-out rims. Larry started scratch-building brake backing plates to replace the poorly-formed resin parts, and continued filling and sanding the tires to get them into shape. He also finished the brake parts and made some progress on the front wing and cockpit. Larry said this should build into a decent replica, but it's taking a lot of work.

Dick Schulenberg displayed a collection of four current projects, two completed and two in-progress. The first was a 1/72 Monogram F8F Bearcat. He used Tamiya gray primer, and will finish it with Vallejo Model Air Dark Sea Blue brushed on. Dick used an old "Hi-Tech" resin upgrade set from France, that added detail to the cockpit, wheel wells, engine bay, flaps and wheels. He expects to use Starfighter decals. Dick said there really weren't any issues beyond the usual fiddling to get the resin to fit and figuring out where it goes.

Dick's second subject was a 1/72 MPM Hispano Aviation HA 200 Trainer for Spanish and Egyptian Air Forces. He used Tamiya Gloss Aluminum spray can over Tamiya gray primer, and said the trim will be Vallejo Model Color brushed on, with a Tamiya semigloss clear finish. Dick said he used Deluxe Materials "Liquid Gravity" for weight to keep the nose down, and had no problems to speak of. He mentioned that this aircraft was the last design by Willy Messerschmitt while he was in Spain post WWII. The design places the engines in front of the cockpit with the exhaust through tubes running under the cockpit.

The third model shown by Dick was a 1/350 HobbyBoss Late Los Angeles-class Nuclear Attack Submarine, the OSS Greenville SSN-772 with Advanced Seal Delivery Submersible (ASDS). Dick said he dry-brushed Vallejo Model Air paint over Citadel spray can black primer, and the "water" is Vallejo Model Color Dark Sea Blue, Refractive Green and White over Super Heavy Gesso with a final coat of Future. Dick said he had some personal connections with the subject.

Dick's final model was a Meng 1/35 French Renault FT-17 WWI tank in US Army markings. Citadel, Tamiya and Vallejo paints were used, and the tracks were dry-brushed with Mahogany Brown and Steel acrylics by Vallejo. Dick used Pentel water color pens in brown shades to dab on spots and feather them out with a damp brush. He said he picked the subject to go along with some WWI airplanes; he likes the French Connection.

The Butry family - Mike, his son Aaron, and his dad Bob, all attended Syrcon 32 with some success. Bob received three 2nd place awards; Aaron took two 1st places and Best Junior, and Mike won three 2nds, two 1sts, and Best Out of Box Aircraft plus the Iron Man award (3 different subjects). Mike said it was a great show overall with a lot of entries, especially in armor and aircraft. He said the Sci-Fi and Gundam were amazing and creative, and our club did well.

Ron Mikol showed us a new work-in-progress, a 1/25 1940 Willys Pro Mod body. He painted it with PPG automotive base colors and PPG Urethane Clear. Ron said this was his first resin body, and it sucked - rough, uneven casting and pinholes. He picked the subject because he likes race cars, and had the paint scheme in mind. Ron also mentioned that he took some awards at the Toronto Group 25 Car Show recently.

Tom Faith displayed his 1/35 Roden BL 8-inch Howitzer from WWI. He used hairspray, surfacer, war paint, Model Color and Model Air paints, and added lots of nuts, bolts, rivets and scratch-built handles, along with the center step panel, rebuilts pintle, and Resicast wheels. Tom said it's an "interesting model".

Paul Hines had three new automotive paintings, including a 1912 Stutz, a Model A Ford, and a National Motor Car - 1912 Indy 500 winner. Paul said he decided to take a trip back in time and paint some old time cars.

Dave Armitage brought in another collection of miscellaneous models, including aircraft, buildings and vehicles.

Jack Rudolph had a couple of ships on display. The first was a Revell 9" Harbor Tug "Lucky XI". Jack used Krylon, Vallejo, Humbrol and Model Master paints, along with Testors Dull Coat. He added Syren Model rigging rope in various gauges along with EZ Line. Jack said the kit was produced in 1979 so there were fit issues with the hull, some flash, and injection mold marks that had to be filled. He added that the kit was from his stash and provided a break from warship modeling; it was fun to build and offered a challenge being such an old kit.

Jack's second ship model was a Lindberg 1/82 Diesel Tug, finished with Krylon, Rustoleum and Humbrol paints along with Testors Dull Coat. He added Syren Model rigging rope in various gauges along with EZ Line and scratch-built railings to replace the ones from the kit which were lost. Jack said this model also had a lot of flash and injection mold marks, with typical hull fit issues with an early 80's Lindberg kit. He said this was his first build from the Lindberg Classic Replica Series, with more to follow.

There were a couple of unidentified items on the tables. Please make sure that Larry Osolkowski gets your info sheet before you leave.

Finally, some around-the-room photos.

Thanks to Rich Bernecki for passing the microphone around for the tables, and Larry Osolkowski for the photography.

2018 - 2020 Officers and E-Board Members
President Rich Bernecki 474-6444
First Vice President Ed Button 860-4562
Second Vice President Larry Osolkowski 695-1224
Secretary Al Germann 934-4476
Treasurer Tom Faith 683-4897
Newsletter Editor Larry Osolkowski 695-1224
Internet Coordinator Larry Osolkowski 695-1224
Chief Judge Tom Brown, Sr. 604-8482
E-Board Members Bill Borkowski 839-5496
Dan Price
Maryann Germann 359-0935
Paul Hines 681-3760
Jim Greenfield 209-256-2574
Jeff Keenan 550-2030
Chapter Contact Dick Schulenberg 934-2161

The Next Club Meeting:
The next meeting of the Niagara Frontier Chapter IPMS will be on Monday, November 18, 2019 at 7:00PM at The Knights (formerly the Knights of Columbus), 2735 Union Rd., Cheektowaga, New York, near Union and William.

Important: All submissions to the Sprue and Glue News must be received by the Monday of the week before our scheduled meeting night.
Printed articles and pictures can be mailed to:

Larry Osolkowski
561 Orchard Place
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Attn: Sprue and Glue News

Digital files can be emailed to:

Copyright ©2019 IPMS Niagara Frontier