When I was asked if I were interested in becoming president of IPMS Niagara Frontier a few months ago, several thoughts went through my head. The first was "why me"? Holy moly, who in the heck am I to be in charge of this club? I really enjoy models and the whole process of kit selection, assembly, painting, weathering and displaying them. I like going to the meetings and showing off my stuff. I enjoy looking at everyone else's efforts even more. At no point did it ever occur to me that I would be elected as president of this club. I don't mean to come across as an incompetent nitwit, just that in my perspective I haven't been a member of this organization all that long and was perfectly happy and content to simply participate. Now, after a mere two years of membership I'm being tapped on the shoulder to "run the show".

The second thought running through my mind was "why not me"? It isn't like I haven't been in charge of anything before. After all I did help raise five kids (that counts, doesn't it?). I commanded a cadet squadron in the Civil Air Patrol, chaired safety committees for various employers and even supervised advanced life support ambulances in my much younger days. I think my initial hesitation was due to the fact that I do not want to make a mistake and fail the organization. After all, now the entire "world" is upon my shoulders and it's up to me to ensure this club continues to be as successful as it is. Uhhh... no, John. Stop being an egomaniac, it's not all about "me". All I need to do is "steer the ship". IPMS Niagara Frontier is a very strong organization with excellent participation of the membership and an equally strong executive board. So, what I'm saying is that I'm not a dictator or an egomaniac... just a guy who enjoys this hobby very much and thinks that you feel the same way. You will not see me try to impose my will on anyone. What you will see from me is an enthusiastic approach to this hobby. I will encourage all of you to bring in your work to share with the membership. I am going to work hard on increasing the amount of model building technique demonstrations from the membership because not only is it entertaining, but that's how we learn to build better models.

If you have any ideas, comments, questions or concerns please feel free to email or give me a call to discuss them - my door is open. Thanks for your confidence in me and I really hope I don't screw-up too badly!

Our next meeting will be Monday the 21st at the Harlem Road Community Center at our usual time of 7 PM. The next E-Board meeting will be held on Monday, May 28th at 7 PM at my house.

Thanks again for your vote of confidence and I'll see you at the meeting!

John Zaranek
IPMS Niagara Frontier

Notes from the April 2012 Meeting

President Justen Hanna led off our annual post-BuffCon party with a run-down on the stats from the 2012 show. We had 441 entries and, according to our new, numbered wristbands, around 630 people through the door. Admission and entry registration went great under the revised system. About 125 of the registration forms came from our website, which bodes well for next year. We had a visitor all the way from Ottawa who was just getting back into modeling and was really excited by the models in the competition and the dealers. It was also great to see Dave Nowinski again. Dave's an airline pilot and former club member (and a dedicated 1/72 aircraft modeler) up from Orlando.

Part 2 of the meeting was our annual elections. There were no new nominations tonight, so, at the direction of the general membership, the Secretary cast one vote to elect the entire slate as listed in the last Dizpatch. Our 2012-1013 Club officers are:
President - John Zaranek
1st Vice President - Bob Raithel
2nd Vice President - Larry Osolkowski
Treasurer - Tom Faith
Secretary - Dick Schulenberg
Executive Board Members - Frank Blonski, Ed Button, Justen Hanna, Paul Hines, Joe Szczygiel and Steve Weller
Bob Collignon remains Chapter Contact, an appointed but voting position

Contact information is at the end of this month's Dizpatch and on our website.

This will be the first time that I can remember Dave Schwab isn't a club officer. Dave has always been an important asset to this club and his monthly input will be missed. As most of you know, Dave is getting married soon and setting up a new home. We all wish you and Patsy much happiness.

Justen, thanks for your service to this club. You brought some new ideas and new energy with you, and we expect that you will continue to bring your talents to the E-Board.

As his last official act, Justen turned the meeting over to our new Prez.

New Prez John shared his vision for his term and thanked everyone for their support.

His first official act was to announce the 2012 Tim Horton Team Challenge. Like last year, there will be two teams of contestants, with the team with the most members completing their model declared the winner. The losing team members each owe one $5 Tim Horton card to the winning team. Rich Bernecki and John Doerr volunteered to be team captains and motivate their team members. Bring your unstarted model to the May meeting. Doesn't need to be new or bagged, just not started. You have to bring the finished model to the August meeting. Nothing to it.

One of the reasons Justen elected not to run for President again is that Section 8 Hobbies is now becoming a brick and mortar hobby shop. This is a big and exciting step. Justen, Sam and Renaldo are moving and setting up shop at 2242 Seneca St., between Cazenovia and Indian Church. The Grand Opening is scheduled for June 1, so look for an announcement. Best wishes to the whole family.

There was lots of good stuff on the display tables. Here's who brought what.

Lucas Wolf showed us his Lava World diorama with a Jedi knight, inspired by the Star Wars Phantom Menace movie. Lucas had fun making this. He and dad Jim also showed the Star Wars AT-ST they picked up at BuffCon. It's all built now and ready for paint.

Larry Osolkowski showed a neat 1/24 Porsche Carrera kit from Fujimi as well as the Glencoe 1/48 SPAD XIIIC kit he won as a raffle prize. The SPAD is a reissue of the old Renwal kit (I think) with some really nice decals. This one will be Larry's Tim Horton's Challenge kit.

Renaldo Hanna brought in his 1/35 Tamiya amphibious Jeep and figure that he and mom Sam worked on at the last Kid's Class. Renaldo got a Silver medal at BuffCon for this model.

John Zaranek had one of his current projects on hand, a 1/35 Tamiya Flakvierling 4-barrelled anti-aircraft gun that he plans to put into an Atlantic Wall in Normandy diorama.

Rich Bernecki shared the new Trumpeter 1/32 scale F-117A kit. This is a large model and should be impressive in the obligatory black finish.

Bob Collignon showed up with an odd model, a Chinese kit of either a Russian or Polish camera. Bob thought about using the kit for the Tim Horton Challenge but couldn't wait to assemble it. It's small, but apparently will actually take a picture.

Ilya Grinberg found a really interesting kit for the WWII 1/72 modeler. It's a very neatly done Russian 85MM antiaircraft gun with 4 figures purchased through Hobbyterra. Surprisingly, it's a snap together model. Ilya pretty much finished it up in 2 hours with no glue at all. The only parts he'll replace are the wheels. They're very nice but noticeably undersized. Pretty cool for a $5.00 model.

Ilya also shared some insight into the research done for his newly published book Red Phoenix Rising, The Soviet Air Force in World War II, co-written with noted WWII historian Von Hardesty. The material Ilya was able to glean from many newly available original WWII records is fascinating and provides new insights into the lives of the aircrew involved in the heavy fighting on the Eastern Front. Just listening to Ilya talk about the research, you can tell how important the subject is to him. You can find the book easily on Amazon.

Jim Wolf painted the 1/6 scale Warriors Viking bust he picked up in a Squadron sale. It's a nice casting and Jim's painting brings out the strong features.

Tony Glisczcynski has been repairing the Vietnam Gun Truck he built several years ago and brought it in to show us the progress so far. It had been damaged in a basement flood that caused Tony a lot of grief. The repairs are almost completed and Tony's making some improvements as well.

Frank Blonski brought a couple of recent project cars all painted in metallic and pearlescent colors. His Mustang is candy colors shot through lace for an interesting effect while the Shelby Cobra is just plain beautiful in metallic blue.

Mike Butry showed us the black Porsche that almost made it to BuffCon. The finish is buffed and waxed following "The System" developed by Frank Blonski and looks just right. Save it for next year, Mike.

Tom Brown brought in his "Rat Fink" figure by Ed Roth, a category winner at Buffcon.

Finally, the usual shots around the room and the tables, including the ever popular pizza party.

Our next meeting is Monday, May 21 at 7 PM in our usual spot. See you then, and don't forget your unstarted kit for the 2012 Tim Horton's Challenge.

Thanks to Bob Collignon for the photography.

The 2012 Tim Horton Team Challenge

It's that time of the year for our annual Tim Horton's Challenge.

The idea is to select an unstarted kit you want to build, show it at the May meeting and bring the finished model to the August meeting. The kit doesn't need to be new or bagged, just not started.

Like last year, there will be two teams of contestants, with the team with the most members completing their model declared the winner. The losing team members each owe one $5 Tim Horton card to the winning team. Rich Bernecki and John Doerr volunteered to be team captains and motivate their team members.

Pick a kit and bring the unstarted model to the May meeting. We had a lot of great finished models at the August meeting. Join the fun!

2012 - 2013 Officers and E-Board Members
President John Zaranek 400-1023 buffalomodeler@gmail.com
First Vice President Bob Raithel, Jr. 876-1678 rmraithel@verizon.net
Second Vice President Larry Osolkowski 695-1224 larryo@ipmsniagarafrontier.com
Secretary Dick Schulenberg 934-2161 dick.schulenberg@excelco.net
Treasurer Tom Faith 683-4897 tkebj5@roadrunner.com
e-Dizpatch Editor Larry Osolkowski 695-1224 larryo@ipmsniagarafrontier.com
Internet Coordinator Larry Osolkowski 695-1224 larryo@ipmsniagarafrontier.com
Chief Judge TBD
E-Board Members Frank Blonski 681-3703 frankie@quixnet.net
Ed Button 860-4562 ewbutton@yahoo.com
Justen Hanna 824-1049 justennhanna@gmail.com
Paul Hines 681-3760 ggandpoppop@gmail.com
Joe Szczygiel 828-1102 mother31762@yahoo.com
Steve Weller 876-0517 jsw53jsw@yahoo.com
Chapter Contact Bob Collignon 837-2204 cjltd@roadrunner.com

The Next Club Meeting:
The next meeting of the Niagara Frontier Chapter IPMS will be on Monday, May 21, 2012 at the Harlem Road Community Center, 4255 Harlem Road (near Main Street), Amherst, New York. We meet in the basement youth room from 7:00PM to about 9:00PM. Please do not arrive before 6:45PM.

Important: All submissions to e-Dizpatch must be received by the Monday of the week before our scheduled meeting night.
Printed articles and pictures can be mailed to:

Larry Osolkowski
561 Orchard Place
North Tonawanda, NY 14120
Attn: e-Dizpatch

Digital files can be emailed to:

Copyright ©2012 IPMS Niagara Frontier